
  GPS Fleet Tracking

Fleet management is now a must for any company that relies on road transport. From simple "Track and Trace" to advanced fleet management reporting. We aim to help you keep control of your fleet and associated costs.

TrailerTrailers has a solution that will suit your requirements and your budget

Click on the following links to learn more:-

  Cost effective fleet management

  The tracking device

  Track and trace

  Fleet management reporting

  Worker time directive made easy

  Who will benefit?

  Protecting the driver

  What does it do for my business?

  So easy to use

  Automatic alerting

  Global fleet... beyond GSM




  GPS fleet tracking Working time directive - WTD

Coming soon...... buy our Fleet Management now & we will waive the upgrade fee, just pay for the WTD equipment and WTD service fee.

Many companies are finding it difficult to comply with the new European Working Time Directive. TrailerTrailers are adding full and automatic reporting that enables transport operators to report and supply auditable history of their drivers wourking hours.

We believe that a working time directive system will not be effective unless it is easy to use by both the employer and driver alike.

The TrailerTrailers working time directive complient system uses a small wireless tag that the driver keeps with him at all times, for example in his wallet or with his Identification. Even if the driver turns up to work and uses a different vehicle everyday the TrailerTrailers working time directive system will know which vehicle was being driven by which driver at any time.

TrailerTrailers' working time directive solution gives you regular reports and tells you of approaching infringements before they happen. We help you keep legal by preventing problems from happening.

The basic rights and protections that the European worker time regulations provide are:

> A limit of an average of 48 hours a week which a worker can be required to work (though workers can choose to work more if they want to).
> A limit of an average of 8 hours work in 24 which nightworkers can be required to work.
> A right to 11 hours rest a day.
> A right to a day off each week.
> A right to an in-work rest break if the working day is longer than 6 hours.
> A right to 4 weeks paid leave per year


For further information download a brochure and technical specifications or contact a TrailerTrailers tracking consultant today.

  Download brochures and specifications

  See "Ware on earth" we track

  Become a reseller or partner

  Contact a tracking consultant now